Portable X-Ray Machines

The Benefits of Mobile X-ray Technology

Written by Ronny Bachrach on January 22, 2014. Posted in Digital Radiography and PACS

Mobility in Medical Imaging has become a focal point for healthcare as technology continues to improve the quality of patient care and drive down costs. One of the biggest contributing factors to the rising usage of this technology is the need for better imaging for patients who are bedridden or unable to travel for radiology exams. However, this is not the only reason that mobile X-ray technology is a necessity in the healthcare industry. Below we will discuss some of the benefits of mobile x-ray.


According to a press release from Transparency Market Research, in 2012 the global market for Digital Radiology was estimated at $9.7 billion and was projected to reach $13.3 billion by 2018. The annual growth rate was expected to be in the neighborhood of 5.4 percent over the next four years. These findings attribute the market increase to a higher demand for x-ray mobility in radiology.

Improved Performance
With the uptick of practices using mobile x-ray, has come additional improvements in the image quality and ease of transport. The ability to utilize diagnostic radiography and receive instant results has left imaging specialists wanting more. As a result, the technology has seen high adoption rates in provider settings, such as  nursing homes and extended care facilities.

In addition to radiologists, consumers are also helping to drive the transition to more advanced forms of imaging. Across the entire healthcare industry, more modalities of care delivery are beginning to make the shift from in-office to mobile. Expanding the abilities of physicians can achieve the eventual goal of lower healthcare costs and better quality of health services to patients in need.

The benefits of Portable X-rays
Introducing mobility to radiography can have a positive impact on both physicians and patients alike. For one, mobile x-rays provide practically immediate feedback and results because the digital technology displays images within seconds after being taken. This results in better care management and faster treatment strategies for patients.

Technicians no longer have to develop images in a dark room before handing them off to radiologists for reading; nor do they need to process CR cassettes back in the mobile unit to verify the images were taken properly. Everything can be conducted on-site and within minutes of the procedure, facilitating any potential need for retakes.

Being able to reduce the amount of time spent on each patient can lead to better overall care for patients. As the mobile capabilities of Diagnostic Imaging improve, physicians and patients will experience a positive impact on their treatment plans.

Ronny Bachrach

Ronny Bachrach

Marketing Director at Viztek LLC
Responsible for all marketing activities including, press, advertising, trade show coordination, website management, dealer and customer communications.
Ronny Bachrach
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