2014 Digital X-Ray Market

Growth Expected in the Global Digital Radiography Market

Written by Ronny Bachrach on February 5, 2014. Posted in Digital Radiography and PACS

Digital Radiography may be one of the most significant advancements in Medical Imaging technology, to date. Because of its rapid results and image quality, DR systems might make film-centric products such as analog X-rays obsolete in the coming years.

The benefits that Digital Radiography Systems offer over traditional film X-rays are numerous, mainly the technology’s ability to quickly take images, modify and then transmit them through a secure network of computers in the radiology practice. Physicians and imaging specialists are able to immediately view requested images on a computer or mobile device and provide interpretations within a few minutes of the exam being conducted.

Additionally, images are able to be shared either across an online database or can be uploaded to personal devices such as thumb drives. This permits better coordination of care between medical practices and imaging facilities.

International DR market set to grow
According to the firm Research and Markets, the global Digital Radiography market is expected to increase at an annual growth rate of 5.43 percent over the next five years. More health care facilities, such as hospitals and diagnostic imaging centers, are working to adopt new technologies into the medical setting to improve the quality of care for all patients.

With much of the industry calling for reductions in radiation, better image quality and faster results, the push for DR systems has gained momentum. Additionally, the increases in incidences of chronic diseases in developed countries have propelled the market forward. The adoption of DRs and updated PACS systems has led to radiologists providing better and more accurate diagnoses.

Broken down into regions, both Europe and North America had the largest shares of the market in 2013. However, Asia is expected to experience rapid growth in the coming years due to an aging population and higher spending on healthcare.

Viztek DR Panels

Best practices for DR use
As explained by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists, there are numerous best practices to consider when using a DR system. When setting up a patient for an exam, it is important to carefully review images in order to prevent any possible duplicate procedures. Also, radiologists should look over the patient’s medical history to ensure the exam is appropriate and necessary.

Additionally, physicians should be following the standards set by the manufacturers of the Digital Radiography system in order to reduce patient radiation dosages. Radiologists and their staff should also collaborate to promote patient safety with radiation.

Ronny Bachrach

Ronny Bachrach

Marketing Director at Viztek LLC
Responsible for all marketing activities including, press, advertising, trade show coordination, website management, dealer and customer communications.
Ronny Bachrach
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